Octopus Jokes For Kids

Kids love octopuses because they are not only cute, but also funny. Take a dive into these funny octopus jokes and give your kids a laugh!

We’ve selected only clean jokes that are safe for kids. Use them for ‘kraken’ up the whole family. Enjoy!


    Best octopus jokes for kids

    Octopuses are fantastically clever animals. They’re also known for their ability to change color and disappear into their surroundings.

    Here are our top ten best octopus jokes for kids:

    1.) How did the octopus lose weight?
    He went on a low-crab diet.

    2.) What is the biggest danger for a baby octopus?

    3.) What do you call a relaxed octopus?
    A calm-ari.

    4.) What do you call octopus twins?

    5.) Where does an octopus go to sing?
    The choral reef.

    6.) Why did the giant octopus eat two ships filled with potatoes?
    Because you can’t eat just one potato ship.

    7.) Why do people hate camping with octopuses?

    8.) What did the octopus say to it’s sweetheart?
    You octopi my heart.

    9.) What is an octopus’s favorite number?
    3.14 – octo-pi.

    10.) What does the boss octopus say before work?
    Let’s get kraken!

    octopus jokes for kids

    Octopus tentacle jokes

    1.) How do you make an octopus laugh?

    2.) What do you call a group of octopuses with tangled tentacles?
    A gridlocked-opus.

    3.) Did you hear about the octopus that played football?
    He had ten tackles.

    4.) An octopus was filming a TV show, but they had to temporarily stop filming.
    They were experiencing tentacle difficulties.

    5.) How did the octopus pay for his newspaper?
    With ten nickels.

    6.) What is an octopus’s favorite food?

    Silly octopus jokes for kids

    1.) What’s a baby octopus’s favorite story?
    Octo-puss in boots.

    2.) Why didn’t the shark want to fight the octopus?
    Because the octopus was well armed.

    3.) How do little fish get to school?
    They take the octo-bus.

    4.) How did the octopus get hurt?
    It pulled a mussel.

    5.) Where does an octopus sleep?
    On the seabed.

    6.) What’s an octopus’s favorite toy?
    His eight little Legos.

    7.) What do octopuses put on their toast?
    Ocean current jam.

    8.) What does an octopus knight wear to battle?
    A coat of arms.

    9.) What do you call a flying octopus?
    An octo-copter.

    10.) What is an octopus’s favorite shape?
    An octagon.

    11.) What do you call an affectionate octopus?
    A cuddle fish.

    12.) Why couldn’t the octopus get into the bathroom?
    It was already octopied.

    List of funny octopus jokes for kids

    Octopus puns

    1.) What do you call an octopus musician?
    A rock-topus.

    2.) What did the octopus use to make jelly?
    Ocean currants.

    3.) Where do sea creatures keep their money?
    In their octo-purse.

    4.) What is a play on words among sea creatures?

    5.) What do you call an octopus’s job?
    Its octo-pation.

    6.) Why did the octopus cross the reef?
    To get to the other tide.

    7.) What is a gathering of octopuses called?
    An octo-posse.

    8.) Why is the octopus such a good cook?
    Because he’s a chef-alopod.

    9.) Did you hear about the octopus couple?
    They got cala-married.

    10.) What sea creature can add up numbers?
    An octo-plus.

    11.) What is an octopus’s favorite item of clothing?
    A sock-topus.

    12.) Where did the octopus go when it needed an operation?
    The sturgeon.

    13.) What is an octopus’s favorite band?
    Ink Floyd.

    You’ll love these otter jokes for kids.

    Octopus riddles

    1.) What do you get when you cross an octopus with a cow?
    An animal that milks itself.

    2.) What sea creatures say hello 16 times?
    Two octopuses shaking hands.

    3.) Why did the octopus blush?
    Because he saw the bottom of the sea.

    4.) What is an octopus’s favorite month?

    5.) What has 72 arms and catches flies?
    An octopus baseball team.

    6.) Why did the octopus make a good drill sergeant?
    He was arm-y.

    7.) Why didn’t the octopus fight the shark?
    Because he was spineless.

    8.) How does an octopus propose to its sweetheart?
    I would like to ask for your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand in marriage.

    9.) What do humans and octopus have in common?
    Two sets of forearms.

    10.) What type of keyboard does an octopus use?

    More octopus jokes

    Corny octopus jokes for kids

    1.) What has eight legs and turns into a truck?
    Octopus Prime.

    2.) When are all octopuses born?

    3.) What has eight arms and tells the time?
    A clock-topus.

    4.) When is an octopus bored?
    When there’s nothing interest-ink on TV.

    5.) What do you get if you cross an octopus and an alligator?
    A crock-topus.

    6.) What do you get if you cross an octopus and a frog?
    A croak-topus.

    7.) What did the octopus say when it saw a shark?
    Oh, crab!

    8.) What did the doctor check on his octopus patient?
    His octopulse.

    9.) What do you call an octopus that’s into sports?
    A jock-topus.

    10.) What looks like half an octopus?
    The other half.

    11.) What do you call the place where an octopus is sitting?

    12.) What do you call good characteristics of an octopus?
    It’s octo-pluses.

    13.) What would be good about crossing a turkey with an octopus?
    Everyone would get a drumstick on Thanksgiving.

    Squid jokes

    1.) Did you know that the octopus is the only sea creature with tentacles?
    Just squidding!

    2.) What do you call a group of squid?
    A squad.

    3.) What’s a squid’s favorite dessert?

    4.) How much did the vet charge to treat the octopus?
    Six squid.

    5.) What do you call it when two octopuses have each other’s backs?
    Squid pro quo.

    6.) How does a squid propose to its sweetheart?
    Will you cala-marry me?

    7.) What is an octopus’s favorite game?

    8.) What do you get if you cross a cat and a squid?
    An octopuss.

    9.) Who was the most infamous pirate octopus?
    Captain Squid.

    We hope you got a laugh at these funny octopus jokes for kids. Here are more kids jokes you’ll enjoy:

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    By Greg Johnson | Published 3/17/2023